Guinness World Record : John Obot Gears to Break Record of 145 Hours Reading

The Former Governor of Akwa Ibom State Udom Emmanuel recently called for the support of John Obot who ventured into attempting to read for one hundred and forty-five hours.

Ever since Hilda Baci broke Guiness record in a cookathon becoming the first chef from Nigeria that cook for the longest hour thereby beating the former holder of the title from India, other people have started certain different ways of breaking the Guiness Record, especially in a skill or area they are passionate of.

In the tweet signed by the former Governor of Akwa Ibom State Udom Emmanuel using UE, he said ” LET’S ALL SUPPORT THE GUINNESS WORLD RECORD BREAKING ATTEMPT OF READING FOR 145 HOURS BY JOHN OBOT Again, our great Nation, Nigeria, is trending on the global limelight. This time, a son of Akwa Ibom, John Obot, teacher, scholar, creative director and designer is about to break the Guinness Work Record for the longest reading aloud of books by an individual – Readmania. John’s determination to achieve this feat for our nation and of course our dear state, Akwa Ibom, despite the challenges epitomizes the resilient and “never-say-die spirit” for which the people of Akwa Ibom State and Nigerians at large are known. It is significant that John attained his landmark 100 hours while traversing through ‘The Letter Man,’ by Musikilu Mojeed, a compelling book which illustrates various legacy and milestone achievements of our administration in the Akwa Ibom State, especially in the areas of industrialization, infrastructural and human capital developments in line with the Dakkada Philosophy. I believe and pray that God who gave the energy, strength and focus for the accomplishment of the Dakkada Philosophy will show forth himself even more in enabling John to triumph even beyond his target. “

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