In a trending video that emerged on Sunday 14th April 2024, a lady Ms Anyim Veronica Nnenna was giving a testimony about her graduation as the first graduate in her family but erroneously said she got a BSc in Law which made Pastor Paul Enenche to interrupt her to be sure she graduated truly in a time many people allegedly gives fake testimony to garner public sympathy or favour from Dumanis Senior Pastor.
Anyim Veronica did not speak fluently as a graduate of law and how she said Bsc in law instead of LLB made her testimony to appear fake and the senior pastor of Dunamis International Gospel Centre Pastor Paul Enenche spoke harshly about her testimony which appeared fake due to the way the woman presented herself.
In a social media dragging that divided into supporters of the Senior Pastor of Dunamis and supporters of Ms Anyim Veronica Nnenna, research conducted showed that she truly graduated from the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) with a degree in law. Her graduation post was made available and her number on the graduation list was equally revealed.
In a letter signed by Sylvester Edoh the personal assistant /Secretary to Senior Pastor of Dunamis, the church diplomatically apologized to Veronica for the unnecessary drama that occurred and the doubt on her testimony demonstrating her feat of becoming the first graduate in her family.

In another viral photo, Pastor Dr Paul Enenche and his beloved wife was seen receiving Ms Anyim Veronica Nnenna depicting reconciliation for everyone to move on.