Liberia President George Weah Lose Re-Election Bid, Congratulate Winner

The President of Liberia George Weah has lost the Liberia Presidential election which he contested and solicited voters’ support to attain his second-term desire as the democratically elected president of Liberia.

In the election that has gone into many stages to enable the candidate with the constitutional requirement to emerge, President George Weah has seen that his opponent is winning with a higher margin and as a believer in democracy he placed his country’s interest first before his ambition.

In viral news, he conceded defeat and congratulated the winner of the election ahead of the official declaration of the winner by the electoral umpire in the country. He made a speech with a heavy heart where he thanked his supporters and also made it known that he would be willing to work with the President-elect Ambassador Joseph Boakai for the best interest of Liberia in line with political and economic development.

In his full speech on the night of 17th November 2023, he said:

“I stand before you tonight with a heavy heart, but with the utmost respect for the democratic process that has defined our nation. The results announced tonight, though not final, indicate that Ambassador Joseph N. Boakai is in a lead that is insurmountable. A few moments ago, I spoke with President-elect Joseph N. Boakai to congratulate him on his victory and to offer my sincere commitment to working with him for the betterment of our beloved Liberia


. I extend my heartfelt congratulations to President-elect Boakai, his supporters, and his campaign team. May his presidency be marked by success for all Liberians, and may our nation prosper under his leadership. Tonight, as we acknowledge the results, let us also recognize that the true winners of these elections are the people of Liberia

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. Through your peaceful and orderly exercise of your constitutional right to vote, you have once again demonstrated your commitment to the democratic principles that bind us together as a nation. Under my leadership, these elections were organized with a promise to the Liberian people – a promise of fairness, transparency, and credibility. I am proud to say that, for the most part, we have fulfilled that promise. The Liberian people have spoken, and their choice will be honored and obeyed. I would like to congratulate the National Elections Commission for a job well done. However, the closeness of the results reveals a deep division within our country. As we transition to the new Boakai administration, we must be vigilant to the dangers of division and work together to find common ground. Now, more than ever, unity is paramount for the love of Mama Liberia. To the members of the Mighty Coalition for Democratic Change, I understand that this is not the outcome we desired. I urge you to follow my example and accept the results of the elections. Tonight, the Coalition for Democratic Change has lost the election, but Liberia


has won. This is a time for graciousness in defeat, a time to place our country above party, and patriotism above personal interest. I remain your President until the handover of power, and I will continue to work for the good of Liberia. Let us heal the divisions caused by the campaign and come together as One Nation and One United People”.

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